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Aims and Scope:

The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (IJSAF) provides a forum for informed academic social science debates about food and agriculture-related issues. While the journal is owned by the Research Committee of Agriculture and Food of the International Sociological Association, the journal welcomes and encourages contributions based on any social science perspective. Furthermore, it welcomes interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the social, cultural, political and environmental aspects of food production, consumption and agricultural change. Finally, the journal actively reaches out to scholars from all over the globe.


Open Access Statement:

IJSAF is a fully open access journal. There are no fees for publishing articles or for accessing them. All articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publications. Non-commercial and commercial use and distribution are permitted, on the condition that the author and the journal are properly acknowledged.


Authors hold copyright and publishing rights. Authors are free to upload post-acceptance and post-publication articles/reviews to their university Open Access depository or a secondary platform. Please do provide proper citation and a link to IJSAF.


Peer Review Policy:

All articles published in this journal have undergone internal editorial scrutiny and external, double-blind peer review.


Abstracting and Indexing Information:

  • Agricola (USDA)

  • CAB Abstracts


  • Scopus [CiteScore = 0.9 for 2021]

  • SCImago [SJR Index = 0.12 for 2021]

Aims and Scope

International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food

Official publication of: 

Research Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC-40)

International Sociological Association (ISA)


IJSAF Editors

Allison Loconto,, French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France 

Katerina Psarikidou, Lancaster University, UK

Angga Dwiartama, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia


IJSAF is published by : the RC40 using Open Journal Systems.

Frequency: 2 issues per year

ISSN / E-ISSN: 0798-1759 / 2524-1982 

Website: | Email:

Most Cited Articles

Top 10 cited IJSAF articles in Google Scholar (April 2022)

  1. Renting, H., Schermer, M. and Rossi, A., 2012. Building food democracy: Exploring civic food networks and newly emerging forms of food citizenshipInternational Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 19(3), pp.289-307. (cited 504 times)

  2. Scrinis, G. and Lyons, K., 2007. The emerging nano-corporate paradigm: nanotechnology and the transformation of nature, food and agri-food systemsInternational Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(2), pp.22-44. (cited 361 times)

  3. Burch, D. and Lawrence, G.A., 2005. Supermarket own brands, supply chains and the transformation of the agri-food systemInternational Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 13(1), pp.1-18. (cited 341 times)

  4. Brunori, G., Rossi, A. and Malandrin, V., 2011. Co-producing transition: Innovation processes in farms adhering to solidarity-based purchase groups (GAS) in Tuscany, Italy. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 18(1), pp.28-53. (cited 227 times)

  5. Maye, D., 2013. Moving alternative food networks beyond the niche. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 20(3), pp.383-389. (cited 200 times)

  6. Friedland, W.H., 2001. Reprise on commodity systems methodology. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 9, pp.82-103. (cited 199 times)

  7. Vanhonacker, F., Verbeke, W., Van Poucke, E. and Tuyttens, F.A., 2007. Segmentation based on consumers' perceived importance and attitude toward farm animal welfare. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 15(3), pp.91-107. (cited 199 times)

  8. Fonte, M., 2002. Food systems, consumption models and risk perception in late modernity. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 10(1), pp.13-21.  (cited 140 times)

  9. Sonnino, R., Faus, A.M. and Maggio, A., 2014. Sustainable food security: an emerging research and policy agenda. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 21(1), pp.173-188. (cited 128 times)

  10. Friedland, W.H., 2004. Agrifood globalisation and commodity systems. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 12, pp.5-16. (cited 125 times)

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