RC40 (Sociology of Agriculture and Food Research Committee of the International Sociological Association) and the Australasian Agri-Food Research Network (AAFRN) seek mini-conference proposals for IRSA XV in Cairns, Australia, July 8-12. We seek intellectually exciting, inclusive proposals organized around academic research and practical themes. The mini-conference can be scheduled just prior or just after the Congress. The format and aims of the event are flexible. The hope is that this event will contribute to the IRSA World Congress program through engagement of members of AAFRN and RC40, as well as other IRSA participants. All proposals are welcome. We offer special encouragement for proposals that feature young scholars, engage with the IRSA XV theme of “Rural Sustainability in the Urban Century”, and we are particularly interested in proposals coming from teams that incorporate representatives of both sponsoring organizations. RC40 will provide a small financial contribution to support this event.
Additionally, AAFRN and RC40 seek proposals for a post-graduate/graduate student workshop. This jointly sponsored workshop can be part of the mini-conference or separate, and can last only one day or run for several days. The workshop should be student-focused and inclusive, and may provide participants with opportunities to work through methodological issues, explore diverse theoretical approaches, and refine their own ideas and research projects collegially with other students. Workshop proposals should include a theme (consider linking up with the IRSA XV theme of “Rural Sustainability in the Urban Century”, an organising team, suggested mentors who may be mid-career or senior academics, and/or outings or fields trips in Cairns, although these are just suggestions and all workshop formats are welcome. We offer special encouragement for proposals that include graduate/post-graduate students on the organising team. RC40 will provide a small financial contribution to support this event.
Please send questions and proposals to Steven Wolf <saw44@cornell.edu> and Katharine Legun <katharine.legun@otago.ac.nz> before May 2, 2019.